Assembly 7

Assembly 7 - our second in person event. 21/03/2024

The venue - Westleigh Conference Centre, Lea Rd, Preston, PR4 0RB. 

Celebrating Vital Contributions!

At Assembly 7, our VCFSE Alliance Chair - Tracy Hopkins posed engaging questions:

  • "Who provides safe spaces where people can come together?"
  • "Who improves people's mental health?"
  • "Who helps people access essentials such as food, shelter, and warmth?"
  • "Who delivers services that save lives?"

With an overwhelming show of hands to these questions, Tracy replied with,

"Let's celebrate and recognise the vital, ongoing work the VCFSE does across LSC that makes a huge difference to the lives of people in our communities. We're all delivering services that change lives for the better and we should be shouting about this at every opportunity."

Here's to making a positive difference, today and every day! 

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Speakers Presentations.

Westleigh Conference Centre


Hosted in collaboration with the Social Prescribing Unit at UCLan.

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It was an honor to have Helen Bingley OBE JP DL attend our 7th Assembly at Westleigh Conference Centre.

Helen is Lancashire's new High Sheriff and will be appointed by King Charles III on the 5th of April.

Read more here.

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09:30-10:00: Arrival & Networking Opportunity 

10:00-10:30: Welcome & Introductions to the session

10:30-12:00: 3 x VCFSE Partner Presentations

12:00-12:30: LUNCH

12:30-14:00: All Age Continuing Care

12:30-14:00: State of the Sector Report - co designed by Assembly

14:00: Close


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