VCFSE partnership vision and values

We believe all lives in Lancashire and South Cumbria have equal value however, not all our population have access to equal opportunities. This inequality has a dramatic impact on our health outcomes and the demands we make on our health and care system.

Our vision

Our vision is to improve the lives of people in our communities across Lancashire and South Cumbria, by developing an effective, transformative partnership between the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Partnership and the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector.

To be an effective transformation partner, the VCFSE sector across Lancashire and South Cumbria will be Connected, Influential and Supported in health and care integration and beyond.

We will utilise the strength, flexibility, responsiveness, innovation and knowledge of the sector to be a permanent transformation partner. 


VCFSE organisations and leaders will be supported to establish and develop relationships, to create effective partnerships with each other.

Capable and competent VCFSE infrastructure will be created and supported at all levels of our system to support and actively pursue shared priorities, with clear accountability to peers, partners and our communities.

Specialist VCFSE organisations, networks and groups which represent and connect with marginalized people and communities who are seldom heard, under or mis-represented, will be key drivers of transformation.

System partner strategic leads, SROs and programme leads at all levels will be identifiable, communicative and empowered to work with VCFSE organisations and partnerships.


A system transformation programme to influence and facilitate greater collaboration between the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Partnership and the VCFSE sector will be established.

The programme aim will be; to establish the role of the VCFSE sector as a key strategic partner in the transformation of health, care and wellbeing, and drive significant investment and other resources into the sector.

Effective mechanisms will be created to enable interested VCFSE organisations to be aware of and contribute to the vision, goals and plans of system partners and empower appropriate active participation.


Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Partnership will provide resources to support the transformation programme, delivered by an impartial VCFSE infrastructure, which Cohort 3 aims to co-create.

System partners, at all levels, will be aware of the partnership agreement which will exist, and the role they play. Appropriate data sharing agreements will be developed. 

Models for designing and procuring services with the VCFSE will be reviewed and developed in partnership with the sector to maximise the innovation and impact which VCFSE models can deliver to benefit people and communities and our system. 

Our values:

  • Person and community focussed
  • Honest and transparent
  • Equitable and inclusive
  • Collaborative

Our behaviours

The refreshed LSC VCFSE Alliance will:

  • Reframe conversations and encourage our Integrated Care Partnership to maximise its use of our knowledge and resources.
  • Enable the voice of VCFSE organisations and groups to be heard across the LSC Integrated Care Partnership
  • People and communities are at the heart of initiatives seeking to improve their lives, by collaborating to create local, shared ownership of relevant and sustainable solutions.

  • Be direct, honest and constructive. Challenging behaviours and ways of working to drive change quickly and effectively.

  • Particularly where appropriate opportunities to be less medicalised or less bureaucratised are identified.

  • Such challenge will be meaningful and impactful, focusing on the right things to challenge, not for its own sake.

  • Be relationship-driven to develop strong partnerships within the sector and across the LSC Integrated Care Partnership.

  • Be open and transparent in pursuing the vision.

  • Be action and outcomes-driven, and accountable to our peers.


  • This website will be the main source of engagement for the LSC VCFSE assembly.
  • The Assembly, it’s theme and place groups, and the Alliance are key to involving the sector and influence the system.
  • It won’t work unless you take the opportunities to be involved and support it.
  • Get involved in the design of the assembly, create how the sector works together and with partners.
  • Have your voice heard in how the Integrated Care Partnership develops.

If any organisation or partner would like to provide feedback on these you can email your local VCFSE Alliance lead so this can contribute to this developing work. 

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