Information for observing the ICS Board for members of the public

Date posted: 28th October 2021

The Integrated Care System (ICS) Board is a partnership board, constituted of a range of NHS, local government, voluntary and community sector organisations working together across Lancashire and South Cumbria.

The ICS Board provides leadership and development of the overarching Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System strategy, oversight and facilitation of delivery of sustainability, transformation and design of the future state of health and care. It meets formally every two months to consider progress and risks in the implementation of the Integrated Care System’s aims and objectives and approve any mitigation measures and other action required to assure success, in line with the approved programme.

To be open and transparent regarding the business of the ICS Board, members of the public will be invited to observe the formal meeting on Wednesday 3 November 2021. Whilst under normal circumstances the public would be able to attend meetings held in public in accessible venues, this is not currently possible due to Government guidelines. Therefore, until further notice, formal meetings of the ICS Board will be held virtually by default using Microsoft Teams. The agenda, papers and minutes for formal meetings of the ICS Board will be published on the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System website.

Members of the public can request to observe the ICS Board on 3 November by emailing us by 4pm on Tuesday 2 November and providing their name. They will be provided with a link to join the meeting and some important information about joining the meeting. Regarding public questions concerning specific agenda items, we ask for these to be submitted by email prior to the meeting. We may need to defer any questions should the focus of the meeting need to be re-prioritised at short notice as a result of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

If you have any ques­tions to put to the ICS Board relating to items on the agenda for the meeting on Wednesday 3 November 2021, please for­ward questions in advance by email by 3pm on Monday 1 November 2021.

These questions will be shared with those presenting the papers prior to the meeting and will make sure any points are referenced. 

A response will be sent directly to the individual who raised the question.

We recognise that the meeting papers are not currently in an accessible format and we are working towards fixing this for future meetings. If you require this document in a different format, please contact us and we will look into your request.

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