Cancer Alliance Delivery Plan

The Cancer Delivery Plan for Lancashire and South Cumbria is made up of five workstreams that are detailed below. Click on each area to find out more.

Read the Cancer Alliance Delivery Plan Quick Guide here

Read the full Cancer Alliance Delivery Plan here


The prevention and earlier diagnosis workstream is aiming to influence the following, through its programme of work:

  • A reduction in under 75 mortality rate from cancer
  • Improvement in one year and five year survival from all cancers
  • Improvement in one year and five year survival from breast, lung and colorectal cancer
  • Improvement in one year and five year survival from cancers diagnosed at stage 1 and 2
  • Reduction in percentage of patients being diagnosed in emergency presentation.

Find out more about prevention and earlier diagnosis.

Workstream lead: Dr Neil Smith.

The treatment and care workstream is aiming to facilitate a model of working across Lancashire and South Cumbria cancer services which support compliance with national guidance for:

• Oncology services

• Urology surgical services

• Cancer MDTs

• Molecular testing in breast and ovarian cancer

• Oncology e-prescribing

Find out more about treatment and care.

Workstream Lead: Dr Gerry Skailes

The Living with and Beyond Cancer workstream will work collaboratively across the whole Alliance to ensure the people of Lancashire and South Cumbria are fully supported living with and beyond cancer and that their holistic needs are suitably met. We will work to ensure all eligible cancer patients have access to elements of the recovery package at the right time for the patient. The recovery package elements are:

  • Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) and a written individualised care and support plan
  • A treatment summary completed at the end of every phase of acute treatment sent to the patient and their GP
  • GP Cancer Care Review (CCR) to discuss ongoing needs
  • Access to patient education and or relevant health and wellbeing support/events.

Follow up care will be managed through risk stratification and will support patients to self- manage their care with confidence and offer the ability of robust re-entry pathways back into secondary care if required.

Find out more about living with and beyond cancer.

Workstream lead: Dr Chrissie Hunt.

The patient experience work stream is aiming to support patient involvement in cancer service development and delivery across Lancashire and South Cumbria by building on the annual national cancer patient experience survey (CPES) findings.

  • Service improvement plan based on CPES
  • Supplement national CPES with local surveys in areas where the national survey doesn’t report due to low numbers

Workstream lead: Anne Tomlinson

The Cancer pathway re-design workstream aims to support the design and implementation of pathways across Lancashire and South Cumbria which are built on best clinical practice, promote consistency so patients have equal access to equally excellent services and support patient diagnosis and treatment within NHS operating standards

  • Consistent implementation of Cancer Trac across Lancashire and South Cumbria to support patient pathway management and support service planning and delivery
  • Consistent implementation of national optimum pathways for; lung Cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal Cancer, upper GI cancer.

Read about faster lung cancer test results here.

Clinical leads

Cancer trac: Dr Gerry Skailes

Lung pathway: Dr Amy Ford

Colorectal pathway: Mr Tom Raymond

Prostate pathway: Mr Steve Finney

Upper GI: Mr Chris Ball

Accessibility tools

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