Prevention and earlier diagnosis

The prevention and earlier diagnosis workstream is aiming to influence the following, through its programme of work;

  • A reduction in Under 75 mortality rate from cancer
  • Improvement in One- year & five year survival from all cancers
  • Improvement in One- year & five year survival from breast, lung and colorectal cancer
  • Improvement in One-year & five year survival from cancers diagnosed at stage 1&2
  • Reduction in percentage of patients being diagnosed in emergency presentation

  • Projects

    Prevention Project

    Project lead: TBC

    • Reduce smoking prevalence
    • Promote alcohol screening
    • Roll out Lung Check

    Screening Project

    Project lead: Jane Cass

    • Increase local uptake of national screening programmes
    • Support rollout of HPV screening
    • Support implementation of FIT

    Vague Symptoms project

    Project lead: Neil Smith

    • Consistent approach across L&SC for patients with vague symptoms suggestive of cancer to be investigated and reach a diagnosis
    • GP education to support the diagnosis of vague symptoms

    NG12 Project

    Project lead: Chrissie Hunt

    • Full implementation of revised referral forms covering all tumour types
    • Consistent access from primary care to diagnostics supporting NG12 referral guidance

    Significant Event Analysis (SEA)project

    Project lead Neil Smith

    • All GPs undertake an SEA for patients diagnosed with cancer as an emergency

    Accessibility tools

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