Together a Healthier Future becomes Healthier Pennine Lancashire

Date posted: 27th November 2019


2020_HealthierPennineLogo_RGB.jpgThe Together a Healthier Future, the integrated care partnership (ICP) across Pennine Lancashire has recently refreshed its strategic narrative, delivery focus and delivery infrastructure. As we continue to integrate our health and care system in Pennine Lancashire, it is crucial that the partnership becomes a brand that not only our workforce, but everyone, can recognise and own.

This has provided an excellent opportunity to consider how we are seen by those we work with and serve and to increase our impact and recognition. As such, we have decided to move from being known as Together a Healthier Future to the more up-to-date, clearer and simpler Healthier Pennine Lancashire.

The name Healthier Pennine Lancashire provides a better understanding of our vision and emphasises that our ICP is a partnership of organisations from across the Pennine Lancashire footprint. Healthier Pennine Lancashire also aligns us with the well-established Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS) brand reinforcing our commitment to the joint aims of the integrated care plans for the system.

You will now start to see these changes take effect in our look and logo. However, our ethos will remain the same and we will continue to work towards improving health outcomes for the people of Pennine Lancashire.

To find out more about the integrated care partnership please see our Pennine Plan and to see some of the work achieved over the past year be sure to read our Annual Report.


Thank you,

Graham Burgess
Chair Pennine Lancashire Integrated Care Partnership

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