Pennine Lancashire Volunteer Strategy launched

Date posted: 22nd August 2018 Pennine Lancashire Volunteer Strategy launched thumbnail image

A volunteer strategy for Pennine Lancashire has been launched by the integrated health and care partnership, Together a Healthier Future.  The strategy, which has been produced in collaboration between local authorities, the NHS and the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector, recognises the immense and valuable contribution that volunteers make in improving the health and wellbeing of people in the area.

Volunteers play a huge role in contributing to the care and wellbeing of people, often supporting them at their most vulnerable time and making a significant contribution to their wellbeing. The strategy sets out recommendations to enable and mobilise volunteers and the organisations they support. It looks at a collaborative approach to volunteering and as such supports all public and voluntary sector organisations across Pennine Lancashire.

The strategy outlines the vision and key aims for volunteering in Pennine Lancashire:

  • Ensure that volunteers are consistently trained, recruited and supported in Pennine Lancashire and receive a quality volunteering experience
  • Raise the profile of volunteering and the associated benefits
  • Support communities and vulnerable people in their health and wellbeing; either directly from services or through volunteering itself
  • Ensure that appropriate support, resources and guidance is available for the management of volunteers, including sharing challenges, sharing good practice and ensuring the supporting infrastructure is fit for purpose
  • Support the future supply of the health and care workforce.

You can read Pennine Lancashire Volunteer Strategy here.

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