Pre-election period

Date posted: 15th March 2019

On Thursday 2 May 2019 local elections will take place across Central Lancashire.

From 18 March 2019 the pre-election period begins and this will have an impact on how the Our Health Our Care programme communicates with local residents and wider stakeholders.

Public sector bodies are expected to abide by certain restrictions in the run up to and during elections. This is sometimes referred to as “Purdah” although this is seen by some to carry cultural connotations and therefore is also now described as the 'pre-election period'.

NHS clinical commissioning groups, Trusts, local authorities and their employees (or those who work on their behalf) are required to observe this pre-election period.

The pre-election period has an impact on how public bodies can go about their work. During the pre-election period public bodies should not carry out any activity which could be seen to be politically controversial, such as making or promoting changes to services. As a result the programme will not be undertaking any communication or engagement initiatives across Preston, Chorley and South Ribble. During this period it is important that the programme’s partner organisations act and are seen to act, in a politically neutral manner.

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