Meeting: ICP Clinical and Professional Forum

Meeting Date: 12 November 


Key Decisions and Actions:

Covid Virtual Ward/Covid Oximetry at Home Service:

The Forum welcomed Donna Roberts and Ravi Gokul who provided an update on the progress of the Covid Oximetry at Home Service. This service would support the safe management and monitoring of Covid patients at home.


OHOC Update:

A more detailed update of the OHOC programme was provided and the Forum was advised that the stage two assurance checkpoint meetings had been held and the outcome was awaited. A positive outcome would mean that consultation on the options cold commence in the new year. A request was made to consider the role of consultation advocate and input from primary care colleagues would be welcomed. The issue of predetermination of outcomes was discussed with particular reference to Chorley Hospital and the strength of feeling of the local community was acknowledged.


Respiratory Pathway Update:

The Forum was pleased to note the progress of the respiratory pathways and the work of the big rooms, particularly noting the Covid recovery resource developed by LTHTR. The Forum discussed the services and the potential links with the Covid virtual ward in detail and acknowledged the challenges around overlap between services, IT systems and managing long Covid patients in the community. It was agreed information would be shared with primary care colleagues and a request taken to the primary care network meeting to seek input from colleagues.



Communication and engagement between primary and secondary care is particularly important to the Forum and will be a standing agenda item to highlight any challenges or information for sharing. As an example, the inclusion of radiology on the ICE system was raised and discussed in detail and it was acknowledged that primary care input was important in terms of mechanisms for managing radiology requests and this would be taken to the primary care network for further discussion.


Matters for Escalation (and where to)

Completed and Signed off by Lindsey Dickinson Chair, ICP Clinical and Professional Forum

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