Meeting: Children’s, Young People and Maternity Services System Delivery Board

Meeting Date: 21st January 2021


Key Decisions and Actions:

The Board welcomed Gerry Skailes, Medical Director at LTHTR, as the new Chair and Senior Responsible Officer.


SDB Administration and Housekeeping:

The Board reviewed and approved updated administration and housekeeping guidance which would be implemented with immediate effect; This will include the introduction of quarterly ‘Deep Dives’ for the individual workstreams and completion of monthly update template. It was agreed that this would enable the duration of the meeting time to be reduced to 60 minutes.


Membership Review:

The current core membership for the CYPM was reviewed to ensure that correct representation was in place for each of the workstreams. The Board approved the membership and agreed to extend an invite to Maternity Services and Neonates.


Priority Areas:

Each of the project leads provided a brief progress update of each of the workstreams; It was agreed that the February meeting would focus on a review of the priority areas in recognition of the need to develop services and identify where and how the CYPM SDB could make a positive impact or improvement.

Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by G Skailes

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