Meeting: Primary & Community Care System Delivery Board

Meeting Date: 6th May 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

Members heard of the immediate pressures within the system, most specifically the rising pressures within primary, community and social care due to growing demand for out of hospital services. It appears some people are now presenting for support with more complex needs after not wishing to refer during the first year of the pandemic.

The Board recognised that the ability to deliver something immediately depends on our ability to follow the data and identify our pinch points. Members heard about the Partners 4 Change work. The chair is pushing to ensure that one of the innovator sites sits within Central Lancashire.

The key decisions taken from this meeting included;

• Further discussions are to be held prior to the next PCC SDB meeting in June, around ways in which partners can work together on the immediate pressures, utilising the positive ways of working that were identified in the Morecambe Bay model.

• The Clinical Lead is required to have more open discussions with GP colleagues as the Board is keen to share concerns and opportunities, in particular, around the Partners 4 Change work.

• The Performance Lead is to work on acquiring relevant data that highlights areas of concerns to enable a targeted approach.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) n/a

Completed and Signed off by L Taylor

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