Meeting Date 7 October 2021


Key decisions and actions

Partners for Change

The Board welcomed Kerry Ross and Hazel Lynch from Lancashire County Council who provided a detailed overview of the “Living Better Lives in Lancashire” adult social care programme and the new innovative approach to supporting people. It was noted that this work would link in with the work around population health management and wider determinants of health, and fitted in with the aims of the Board and the intermediate care programme. The Board recognised the great work and benefits to residents and the importance of creating links with wider system partners.

Performance Dashboard

D Nelson presented the performance dashboard noting the full data set regarding intermediate care bed occupancy had not been received and work was ongoing to understand the issue. The next iteration would include data from community and primary care and a state of the nation narrative. It was noted that primary care networks did not receive performance data and it queried whether there was a system to allow sharing of good practice to achieve quick wins. Work was ongoing with the primary care team to support primary care networks with this. Current measures were focussed on outputs and activity rather than impacts and outcomes, and it was suggested this was an opportune time to develop a dashboard focussed on outcomes and time would be dedicated at the next meeting to discuss this further.

Service Finder

The Board welcomed Jay Bullock, Regional Lead for the Directory of Services Delivery, North West, who presented a detailed overview of NHS Service Finder. The scope to expand the range of services was discussed including reference to the voluntary sector. It was agreed that further discussions should take place to gain a wider understanding of what the potential may be, the possible challenges, feasibility and the practicalities of the service, linking in with K Ross and H Lynch with a view to bringing options for discussion to the Central Lancashire Partnership Senior Leadership Team.

2 Hour Rapid Response Update

H Rushton provided a detailed update and noted that the key risks identified in terms of recruitment and capacity and demand were reflected across all the ICPs. The next steps were outlined and the update for the next meeting would include detail of the tracking system against the key deliverables of the project and an update of the key milestones, risks and mitigations. The Board recognises the work undertaken by the team to provide a better grip around the project. It was noted that concerns had been raised raised by local government regarding the scheme, these would be discussed at the Out of Hospital Cell meeting and circulated to the group.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Louise Taylor Senior Responsible Officer and Chair

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