Meeting Primary and Community Care System Delivery Board

Meeting Date 5 August 2021


Key decisions and actions

The August meeting of the ICP Primary and Community Care System Delivery Board was dedicated to a workshop provided by the Local Government Association who outlined in detail the high impact change model designed to reduce preventable admission to hospital and to long term care through inappropriate long term placements at a time of crisis, and the framework of the self-assessment tool to support all partners in the system to jointly assess strengths and areas for development.

The Board noted the key themes arising from the workshop:

• The poor level of knowledge in the system about the range of services available, the choices available, points of access and equality of access.

• Are services the right ones for people, flexibility of services, are they right for what people need.

• Low use of digital platforms and digital poverty across the system.

• Accessibility of language to communities.

• The importance of engaging with patients, families and communities.

• The importance of patient experience.

Action/Decision: It was agreed that a small group would be convened to undertake an exercise to map existing services across the system and map the pathways to those services.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Louise Taylor Senior Responsible Officer and Chair

Accessibility tools

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