Meeting Date 23 November 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

Partner updates – North West Ambulance Service (NWAS)

D. Gallagher, Patient Engagement Officer at North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) delivered an enlightening presentation which provided an overview of the services delivered by NWAS, including which geographical areas are covered. The presentation also outlined the work undertaken by the Patient Engagement Team. Members heard that NWAS focused on four main areas, including, Paramedic Emergency Service, Patient Transport Service, NHS 111 and Resilience.

D. Gallagher explained that there is a five-year patient engagement framework which overarches the work undertaken by thePatient Engagement Team, with defined aims and objectives. The framework was approved in 2020 and has an annual implementation plan in place to support it. The group received a summary of strategic priorities, aims and objectives, and how these were achieved. Some of which are:

o To engage and educate a range of patient, public and community groups on what to expect from the AmbulanceService

o To work in partnership with our patient, public and community groups, stakeholders and Patient and Public panelmembers to design services which meet their needs.

o To capture and share changes which have been made as a result of patient, public and community group feedback.

o To enhance patient, public and community group access to ambulance employment opportunities. o To ensure that engagement is embedded throughout the organisation and that priority messages are shared with our patients, public and community groups.

PPCV Terms of Reference

G. Tansey presented the final draft version of the PPCV Terms of Reference (ToRs), which members approved. This final draftwill be presented to the ICP Board for final approval.

Commitment to Carers Programme

S. Crighton, North West Carer’s Lead for NHS England and Improvement (NHSE/I) presented the group with a substantive synopsis of the Commitment to Carers programme, which included some interesting facts and figures about carers and whatinformation was already known about carers in the North West. Every day another 6,000 people take on a caring responsibility – that equals over two million people each year.

The group was informed of the strategic aims for carers:

o To secure better outcomes of care for patients, and for the millions of people who care, unpaid.

o To build a carer-friendly NHS to a greater extent than ever before.

o To start to build an NHS where no carer feels left alone, and that the NHS is there to support them in their caringjourney

o To change things so that carers are better able to look after their own health and wellbeing, manage the care of theperson being cared for and are less likely to go into crisis.

Members heard about the Long-Term Plan Commitment to Carers deliverables 2020-2024, this includes:

o Identifying and supporting carers, particularly those from vulnerable communities

o Adoption of carers passports/Introduction of Quality Markers in Secondary care

o Ability to share caring status with healthcare professionals wherever they present via electronic health record

o Carers understand the out-of-hours options that are available to them and have appropriate back-up support in placefor when they need it

o Young Carer “top tips” for general practice to include preventative health approaches, social prescribing, and timely referral to local support service o Introducing best practice quality markers for primary care


Matters for Escalation (and where to) None

Completed and Signed off by Sumantra Mukerji Chair, Central Lancashire ICP Patient, Public and Carers Voice Committee

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