Meeting Date: 22 June 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

Partner updates – Lancashire Carers Services

A. Barrago, Service Lead for Communities at Chorley Council, delivered a presentation to the PPCV members in respect of The Community Resilience Framework and the Communities Teams’ Covid-19 Community Recovery Plans. She explained what community resilience was and commented that by improving community resilience, it has the potential to provide a better quality of health, wellbeing, and the outcomes for residents, as well as reducing demand on public services over the long term.

Support for voluntary sectors continues. A new stakeholders group called ‘Chorley Together’ has been established, where key issues within the community are discussed to find resolutions. The group is talking to people in other districts and areas to understand what kind of work they are doing for their residents to learn and share ideas.

A conversation took place regarding working collaboratively across Lancashire and South Cumbria to improve mental health services, particularly support for young people.

ICP Vision, aims and objectives refresh

Members were presented with the proposed refreshed ICP vision statement and updated aims and objectives. L. Roberts advised that all other place-based partnerships in Lancashire and South Cumbria were taking the same approach to ensure that a common thread runs through the work at place. The ‘refresh’ was generally welcomed by the members.

Members discussed the refreshed plan and concerns were raised in relation to the health and wellbeing of our workforce and the need for this to be made more explicit. There is a risk of losing staff and in turn lose the support for residents. Further feedback was provided by the members.

ICP Development Plan

G. Tansey provided the group with an overview of the draft ICP development plan and explained how the ‘task and finish’ group had gone about creating it. Members had received a copy of the plan prior to the meeting taking place in order that an in-depth and informed discussion could take place.

Members discussed the draft development plan and the proposed framework that was included. They were all in full agreement that whilst there will be some work that could be done at an ICS level, but because it is not possible to standardise everything, there needs to be some flexibility across place level to be able to design something that works for the residents of each ICP and allow the relationships that have been developed to influence the work that ICPs can continue to do. Relationships that have been built up locally are very important and the trust that we have got with the local people cannot be lost, as it takes years to build up trust.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by Sumantra Mukerji Senior Responsible Officer


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