Meeting ICP People Board

Meeting Date 12 July 2021


Key decisions and actions

The July meeting of the ICP People Board provided updates and discussions around the following topics.

Lessons Learned from Covid

The Board were presented with a report from wider discussions with forums across central Lancashire to understand key areas and lessons learned from during the pandemic that could be retained and continue to be utilised. Members heard that the findings had been generalised and had not identified any key areas that would be particularly actionable for the ICP People Board. However, there were plans in place to develop a set of ICP guidance and principles around agile working and in particular around the ability to monitor the health and wellbeing of the workforce due to the recent challenges some people faced when working from home.

Health and Wellbeing Workplan

Review Members heard that following a scoping exercise into individual partner organisations Health and Wellbeing offers there was a sufficient level of information to begin to develop and finalise a summarised version of an ICP Health and Wellbeing offer would be presented for approval by the ICP People Board in the near future. Members acknowledged there were difficulties in capturing this information for the Primary Care Networks due to the independent nature of their organisations. Discussions were held to identify if there was another way this information could be sourced and agreed to look into this in more depth.

Workforce Supply Workplan Review

The Board heard that there had been difficulties capturing workforce data from all the partner organisations that would help the Board to understand the areas where the key workforce gaps would be. Members discussed different possibilities this Board could implement to assist in addressing some of the key workforce supply issues moving forward and acknowledged the importance of developing a comprehensive workplan to monitor the progression of this workstream.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Karen Swindley Senior Responsible Officer and Chair

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