Meeting: ICP People Board

Meeting Date: 10th May 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

The May meeting of the ICP People Board included discussions and updates around the following topics;


Primary Care Network Training Hubs

The Board were presented with an overview of the role of the Lancashire and South Cumbria Enhanced Training Hub (ETH). Members learned the role of the ETH was as a broker between Health Education England, Higher Education Institutes and GP Practices to try and facilitate student placements and fellowships for training across central Lancashire.


Plan on a Page Development

Following on from the April meeting of the ICP People Board the ‘plan on a page’ was presented with the identified themes for each of the priority area workstreams members discussed what the objective and outcome measures for each of these areas would be and agreed the following objectives for each of the priority areas;


Health and Wellbeing

Enable all staff to access all available resources and tools to support health and wellbeing.


System Reform

Ensure we retain staff through the system reform.


Workforce Supply

Understanding and addressing our workforce vacancies and gaps.


Pandemic Sustainability and Recovery

Retain the positive elements and learning from our response to the pandemic and enable our workforce to drive pandemic recovery for health and care services.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by K Swindley

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