Meeting ICP Patient, Public, Carer Voice Forum

Meeting Date 27 July 2021


Key decisions and actions

Partner updates – South Ribble Council

J. Mullin, Director of Communities for South Ribble Borough Council, delivered a presentation to the PPCV members in respect of previous, current, and upcoming engagement with its residents. Previous engagement included the council undertaking a ‘resident’s survey’ to understand their views on how the Council performs, the standard of services and facilities, and satisfaction with the local area. The survey also informs the Council’s Corporate Plan and strategic priorities. The presentation also included how the council could add value to the PPCV.

Current and upcoming engagements include Community Hubs, Community Conversations, South Ribble Together, and a central Lancashire Covid Vulnerable Project which is funded by the CCG and reports into the ICP Determinants of Health system delivery board.

PPCV Engagement work plan

Members heard that the PPCV engagement work plan had been merged with a communications plan that had been produced by J. Bridge, to create a full communications and engagement plan. The new Communications and Engagement work plan has been signed off by the Senior Leadership Team. The work plan has been turned into a workable document that all PPCV members can access at any time. L. Roberts provided a live demonstration of how to access/use the plan. The forum welcomed the new version of the plan and look forward to using it.

G. Tansey informed members that she and L. Mossop had attended the CCGs’ Patient Advisory Group to introduce the PPCV and to present an overview of the current landscape and the vision for the new health system involving the ICP and ICS.

ICP System Delivery Board (SDB) update – Primary and Community Care (PCC)

C. Frost, Senior Lead for the Primary/Community Care SDB, presented the group with a synopsis of the board including the vision and purpose. Members were updated on some of the work that the board had focussed on over the last year, as well as supporting with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Members heard that the 2021/22 priorities for the PCC board are Intermediate care, Primary Care Network Development / Implementation of the Network Directed Enhanced Service.

Reflections of the meeting

Members commented that the level of commitment from members was exciting and it had been a great meeting. The planning of content and timekeeping works well, the agenda is not overloaded, allowing time for discussions, and the partner updates and presentations from the System Delivery Boards are invaluable, extremely informative, and very helpful.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Sumantra Mukerji Senior Responsible Officer and Chair

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