Meeting ICP Elective Care System Delivery Board

Meeting Date 6 July 2021


Key decisions and actions

The July meeting of the Elective Care System Delivery Board included updates and discussions around the following topics.

Elective Care Recovery Group

The Board heard that the ECRG were currently focussed on the delivery of the H1 Activity Plan which involved monitoring activity in terms of the Core Plus Plan and the requirement to meet the five areas contained within the Gateway Criteria which would enable access to draw down funds from the Elective Care Recovery Fund. Members were provided with a brief overview around the High Volume Low Complexity (HLVC) scheme and learned the scheme was becoming a focus of attention.

Accelerator Programme

The Board were provided with an overview of the LTHTR position for Restoration, Day-Case Elective and Outpatient activity which indicated they were closely aligned in terms of the planned levels of activity for the Accelerator Programme.

ICS Diagnostics Programme

Members were provided with a comprehensive overview of the Lancashire and South Cumbria Diagnostics Programme which included an outline of the programme structure and the Diagnostic Imaging Workstreams presented by Claire Kindness-Cartwright, the Senior Programme Manager.

ICP Scoping Documents

Steve Flynn reported he had been tasked with completing ICP Scoping documents for each of the priority areas and shared the draft Outpatients scope document with the Members. The Board noted that the four scoping documents were being submitted for approval at the 12th July meeting of the ICP Senior Leadership Team.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Denis Gizzi Senior Responsible Officer and Chair

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