Meeting ICP Primary and Community Care System Delivery Board

Meeting Date 7 July 2021


Key decisions and actions

Key Risks and Issues

Members were advised that discussions at the ICP Board were focussing on refreshed vision and aims for the ICP and as part of that, vision statements have been created for the system delivery boards. The statement for this Board was “we will keep people well, at home and independent, ensuring access to the best health and care when you need it, where is right for you, focussed around your needs.”

The Board noted the progress of the work programme related to Strengths Based Working and were pleased to hear that a further update would be presented at the September meeting and how it will support our work with citizens relevant to the objectives of delivering integrated community services and intermediate care.

A small group has been convened to review the issues around the exit from the Avondale unit and progress the necessary work. Further updates would be provided.

The Board positively noted the progress of Home First and the work to increase capacity, particular thanks were expressed to Amanda Housley for driving this work forward.

Concerns were noted regarding stepping up of elective activity and the potential impact of this on community services in addition to the impact from expected winter challenges.

Integrated Community Services

A presentation was provided regarding the integrated community services programme where the aim was to “maximise care in the community, focussing on tackling inequalities, and avoid admissions to hospital, by wrapping community care around patient needs, in an agile way, and supporting patients to better manage their own health.” The programme was in the initial stages with scoping of services being undertaken. A colleague from the Local Government Association would be attending the next meeting to discuss wider work that would link in.

Intermediate Care Scoping Document

The Board noted the progress in taking forward the intermediate care project and the linking together of work programmes in relation to intermediate care, PCN development, community services and discharge, and sharing of resources. Further updates would be provided.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Louise Taylor Senior Responsible Officer and Chair

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