Meeting ICP Clinical and Professional Forum

Meeting Date July 2021


Key decisions and actions

The Forum held in-depth discussions around priorities for long term conditions and care and areas to improve patient care. Several priority areas for the newly mobilised long term care group were suggested. Difficulties in sharing information across digital systems were noted with WELPRES system suggested as a potential way of resolving these. The importance of managing transition for children with long term conditions into adult services was also highlighted.

Decision/action: Further discussions to be held.

The Forum welcomed Tracy Murray, ICS Elective Care Programme Director and Stephen Hodgson, ICS Clinical Lead, who provided an update on the elective recovery programme and an overview of the ICS Elective Care Recovery Group, subgroups, it was noted primary care representation was lacking and input was welcomed. Lancashire and South Cumbria were at 95% of the target. Collaboration between partners across Lancashire and South Cumbria which had supported moving patients around and equity of access was noted. Members noted several points including: importance of communication between primary and secondary care and between services and clinicians; use of advice and guidance; impact of waiting times on GPs and managing patient expectations; sharing waiting times information; lack of standardised protocols between different hospital trusts and the issues arising from that such as rejected referrals.

The Forum welcomed Ailsa Brotherton, Director of Continuous Improvement at LTH, who provided an overview of the LSC Together Improvement Week at LTH and the feedback and learning. She described a difficult week, with the system under significant pressure. The four areas of focus were: readmissions at the front door, frailty, improving LTH internal ward processes, reduction in the number of patients not meeting the criteria to reside. A further event was planned for 4 October and Members were invited to be involved in the planning.

Decision/Action: For the next event: include paediatrics; involve GPs when looking at long length of stay; consider end of life advanced care planning; hold further discussions around how the third sector can support. The presentation and criteria would be circulated to members for feedback which would be collated and sent to A Brotherton.

Forum Member Sumantra Mukerji and Glenis Tansey, Engagement, Patient Experience and Organisational Development Lead, introduced the ICP Patient, Public and Carer’s Voice Committee and provided an overview of the work being undertaken and the role and aims of the committee.

Decision/Action: Meetings to be arranged to further discuss requests to be involved.

Forum Member Lizzy Macphie provided some top tips for Advice and Guidance for both GPs and secondary care clinicians and discussed the benefits of the service.

Decision/Action: E Macphie to liaise with G Skailes to speak at the LTH Clinical Reference Group. The top tips would be circulated in primary care communications for the next few weeks.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Lindsey Dickinson Senior Responsible Officer and Chair

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