Meeting ICP: CIC Clinical and Professional Forum

Meeting Date: 25 February 2021

Key Decisions and Actions 

The Forum heard a number of presentations around how the ICP Priority Setting Process would be undertaken for 2021/2022. This included an overview of how Continuous Improvement methodology would be used to support the priorities; how the disease profile and health inequalities across the area should be considered; the current transformational work underway in the system and the links to the ambitions in the OHOC programme.

It was agreed that the presentations were helpful and informative particularly in terms of the data and metrics, it was evident there was a desire to address health inequalities and make the necessary changes. There should be further thought as to how we can be assured that the recommendations presented were right for our population and ICP and ensure patient focus was at the forefront.

It was agreed there should be focus on engagement in the ICP, how we engage with partners at the grass roots level and work around this would be welcomed.

Matters for Escalation (and where to)

Completed and Signed off by Lindsey Dickinson Chair, ICP CIC Clinical and Professional Forum

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