Meeting: ICP Board

Meeting Date: 13 May 2021


Key Decisions and Actions:

Internal Integrated Care Partnership Report from ICP Director

The Board was pleased to note that all the phased work set out last year to mobilise the ICP governance structure has been completed on time, and that work would continue to improve, further mobilise and develop the partnership. The three key positions required to progress ICP Development in the short term were confirmed, with Marie Burnham as ICP Chair, Sarah James as ICP Director, and Denis Gizzi taking an interim Senior Leader role to oversee ICP Development over the next three- six months.

Finance update year end position

The LTH Director of Finance provided an update of the current financial position, he positively noted the revenue underspend of £2.1m against the resource but highlighted the importance of recognising the underlying position which remained at £100m deficit, and the significant financial challenge this represented for the Partnership. The key issue moving forward was how to address the deficit as a system. Decision/Action: The Senior Leadership Team agreed to discuss this further at their meeting, the following week.

ICP priorities 2021/2022

The ICP Programme Director confirmed the priority setting process had been completed with 13 new priorities proposed. Following discussion, the Board approved the priorities with the caveat that a further report would be brought to the next meeting that would provide clearer information around targets, expected outcomes and implications.

Proposal to scope an ICP VCS programme

The Board fully supported the proposal from the VCSE representative to develop an improved relationship between the VCSE sector and the ICP partners in order to understand the support currently provided by the sector, and how this could be adopted and supported more formally within partnership, with the aim of improving population wellbeing in Central Lancashire.

ICP Development across the ICS

The ICP Programme Director reported that work had commenced to develop a bespoke development plan for our ICP, and a working group has now been convened to support that. This work would include actions carried over from the mobilisation plan, governance structure and the gaps identified against our maturity matrix around where improvements were needed. The development plan would be presented at ICP Senior Leadership Team on 24 May and then to ICP Board in June.

ICP performance dashboard

The Board welcomed the first iteration of the performance dashboard and noted that this would be an evolving document. The dashboard would provide an update around the progress of each system delivery board against their priorities, targets, activity and actions with metrics that would measure challenges, outcomes and achievements, and would link back to the quadruple aim. Information would also be provided around population health information and demographic information for each locality as a sense check of where priorities align with areas of inequalities. The Board particularly noted the good work undertaken by performance colleagues to create this document.

Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by Marie Burnham ICP Independent Chair

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