Meeting: ICP Board

Meeting Date: 10th June 2021


Key Decisions and Actions:


Internal Integrated Care Partnership Report 

The Board was pleased to note that all phased work was on schedule for completion within timescales, with no issues or risks identified. It was noted that delivery of the ICP Development Plan would commence and an update would be provided via a monthly highlight report, an example of which was contained in the report.  Progress had been made ahead of time against many actions and this was brought to the attention of the Board. 

The ICP Programme Director advised she was liaising with other ICPs to share best practice where appropriate.  The Board discussed the work ongoing in relation to ICP development and communication and engagement with partners and the ICP Programme Director advised that the work around Place Based Partnership Development across Lancashire and South Cumbria had received recognition both regionally and nationally, with invitations received to discuss this more widely.  It was also agreed it would be useful to invite Amanda Doyle and Andrew Bennett to attend the ICP Board to discuss the system reform programme and ensure connectivity between the ICP and ICS.

Decision/Action: The ICP Independent Chair agreed to invite Amanda Doyle and Andrew Bennett from Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care System to a future ICP Board meeting, to ensure ongoing connectivity between the ICP and ICS.

Decision/Action: In view of progress made and in the spirit of openness and transparency, the CCG Chief Officer queried if the ICP Board meeting should be opened up to the general public.  It was agreed to discuss this at the Senior Leadership Team.


ICP Development Plan

The Board noted the process undertaken to create the ICP Development Plan and welcomed the approach.  It was acknowledged there was a lot of work to do and the Board was pleased to approve the Plan and the associated governance and reporting routes.  Concern was raised that the VCFSE development work was limited to central Lancashire and the central Lancashire VCSE Leader’s Partnership was keen to explore this across other ICPs.  The ICP Programme Director agreed to support him with this and agreed to discuss outside of the meeting.  The CCG Director of Quality and Performance highlighted the ongoing capacity issues in the system coupled with the ongoing Clinical Commissioning Group transition and vacancies, and requested Members be cognisant of this as the work progresses.

Decision/Action:  The ICP Programme Director to link in with the central Lancashire VCSE Leader’s Partnership to  explore options for similar work within other ICPs and support conversation at the ICP Development Advisory Group.



ICP Priorities Framework

The Board welcomed the framework which has addressed the issues raised in the previous Board meeting in terms of approving priorities for the year ahead without further detail on the finance implications, objectives, outcomes and deliverables.  The framework sets out a process to rectify this and to manage these programmes of work through regular reporting and as such the Board fully endorsed and approved the ICP priorities framework. 



Primary Care Voice for central Lancashire 

The CCG Chair discussed the work which will ensure the inclusion of primary care in the current reforms, with a number of meetings and a GP engagement event held in May.  The importance of developing a single strong voice for primary care was highlighted and agreed by the Board.  Concerns had been raised around engagement, support and capacity required to realise this aim, resulting in slower than desired progress. 

In addition, the need for a clinical voice at ICS and ICP level was reiterated.  The LTH Medical Director agreed to feedback the concerns raised to the ICS Executive Medical Director.

Decision/Action:  Concerns over clinical leadership work programmes and a clear view for a clinical voice to be raised with the ICS Executive Medical Director  



Developing a central Lancashire Social Value Framework

The Board welcomed the proposal to develop a social value framework for central Lancashire and the coordinated collaborative approach described.  

Decision/Action:  Social Value Champions to be identified from partner organisations and the ICP Programme Director to convene a working group.  The ICP Programme Director to also link in with the central Lancashire VCSE Leader’s Partnership to explore how they could contribute.



ICS Update

The LTH Chief Executive provided a verbal update from the recent ICS Board meeting and agreed to provide a Chair’s Report style paper going forward.  It was agreed it would be useful to be able to refer to meeting documents and resources and the ICP Programme Director agreed to create a shared area within MS Teams to store resources.

Decision/Action:  ICP Programme Director to create an area within MS Teams to store documents and other resources accessible for Board members.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by Marie Burnham, ICP Independent Chair

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