Meeting: Elective Care System Delivery Board

Meeting Date: 4th May 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

The May meeting of the Elective Care System Delivery Board included discussions around the following topics;



The Board reviewed the current membership and agreed in principle that going forward there should be a core membership to carry out the strategic planning with invites extended as pertinent to additional workstream leads to ensure the Board continued to be productive.


NHS Priorities and Operating Guidance

Members were presented with an overview of the Elective Care Programme to highlight key expectations linked to the Operational Planning Guidance. Members learned the Elective Care System Delivery Boards four priority areas had been endorsed by the Clinical and Professional Forum and these four key programme areas would contribute towards the overarching ambitions outlined within the NHSE Planning Guidance.

Further to the presentation the Board were presented with a brief outline of the mechanisms for threshold and heard that the Accelerator Programme which the ICS had successfully bid for presented a very challenging and ambitious ask to reach by July 2021.

It was agreed the June meeting would include a ‘Deep Dive’ around the Diagnostics Programme to provide members with the opportunity to gain more of an understanding of this programme at ICS level.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by D Gizzi

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