Meeting Date 09 December 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

Central Lancashire Health Equity Commission Response

Liz Huntbach provided a comprehensive and detailed overview of the central Lancashire presentation to the Health Equity Commission. The presentation included an overview of area numbers, the primary concerns, an introduction to central Lancashire in the context of the Marmot Principles and a summary of the responses in relation to the questions set by the Health Equity Commission. The presentation closed with a detailed outline of the recommendations for an effective regional/system collaboration on health inequalities for central Lancashire.

Integrated Long Term Health Inequalities Action Plan

Dr Sakthi Karunanithi, the Director of Public Health for Lancashire County Council, presented a progress update in relation to the development of the long-term draft action plan for the Determinants of Health System Delivery Board. The update included a recap of those priorities already identified across the life course so far and the proposed outline for a step-by-step approach to planning and timeline for the action plan noting the final draft version was due to be presented for approval at the 10 February meeting. Gary Hall reiterated the importance of the action plan and the continued input and contribution from the Members, noting the final plan would set the framework for the system delivery board moving forwards.

The Board endorsed the draft action plan and noted the actions assigned to this item.

Task and Finish Group

Liz Huntbach recapped the earlier work of the task and finish group for the proposed interventions for hypertension. She explained the second phase of work had been completed with the ward and health profiles undertaken across Chorley, South Ribble and Preston areas. A brief overview of each of the ward profiles was presented by representatives for reach of their respective areas with an additional presentation of a hypertension case study for users of the Heartbeat Programme, by Louise Bache, the CEO for Heartbeat North West.

The Board noted the next steps for the task and finish group was to focus on planning those interventions in collaboration with community champions and partners and to develop plans to get some form of community engagement underway.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by G Hall Senior Responsible Officer

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