Clinical and Professional Forum - Key messages 26 May 2022

Date posted: 4th July 2022

Meeting date 26 May 2022



Key decisions and actions

Provider Collaborative Update

The Forum welcomed Ed Parsons from the Provider Collaborative who provided an update of the work led by the Provider Collaborative. This included development of a clinical strategy and an overarching vision and narrative for how hospital services would be delivered for the future, and whole pathway design within five specialties, these were MSK TNO, Cardiac, Respiratory, Frailty and Integrated mental health and physical health services. The Forum was pleased to note the collaborative end to end pathway approach to the work and the inclusion of the MSK service.

PPCV Forum Framework

The Forum welcomed Jessica Partington, the senior lead in the PPCV Forum, who gave an update on the Patient, Public and Carers Voice (PPCV) Framework and the work the Forum was undertaking. A refreshed workplan for 2022/23 and a framework had been developed, the focus was on what could be done to support the ongoing work across the partnership and what value could the Forum add. The aim was to embed the PPCV at place level and embed equality and diversity across all work streams. Feedback from key stakeholders had been factored into the proposed approach. It was noted that central Lancashire was the only Place in the Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS with this type of forum within the governance structure. The opportunity to revive the patient participation groups within PCNs and develop a network wide approach was welcomed. The importance of the patient voice in terms of developing services and pathways was highlighted.

Patients Delayed Due to Covid

S Canty gave a detailed presentation regarding the responsive and proactive approach LTH had taken to review long wait patients and the processes designed in collaboration with partners to reduce the risk of harm to patients. It was noted that work was being undertaken in primary and community care across the ICS around the elective backlog in primary care, potential harm and potential unplanned hospital admissions. The work undertaken was positively noted and a further update was requested.

Place Based DOS

S Dobson provided an update on work underway to develop a single place based directory of services. He noted the current issues for example, lack of knowledge of the services available, and described a simple pathway for a single directory, the Open Referral UK Standard and the various elements required for a comprehensive system. The Forum welcomed this work particularly in relation to social prescribing services and the benefits for patients.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Dr Lindsey Dickinson Senior Responsible Officer and Chair

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