Meeting Date 21 October 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

Workstream update

The Board were presented with an update of the progress of the Acute Paediatric Review workstream; It was noted that due to current system pressures and resource issues it had been agreed to focus on Emergency Admissions and Community Nursing in the longer term with focus primarily placed upon Patient Initiated Follow Up, Did Not Attends and Outpatients, as these had been identified as areas where a significant impact could be made with the current resource available.

In terms of the Outpatients element of this workstream Laura Duckworth advised work was progressing well in this area and noted whilst this was primarily being led by LTH it was important to link in with Primary Care colleagues to keep them abreast of the progress and work underway for this strand of work.

Performance Dashboard

It was noted that the Performance Dashboard which also contained the latest PAU analysis had been circulated for consideration prior to the meeting. The Board heard this was to be discussed in more detail at the November meeting with this item noted as the deep-dive topic.

Defining the Future

V Webster, Clinical Nursing Lead, Children and Young People’s Transformation Programme for the Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership presented a comprehensive overview of the operating model and resourcing proposals for the functions of a single LSC NHS organisation system place and neighbourhood.

Deep-Dive Presentation – Neurodevelopmental Pathway

The Board were presented with a comprehensive overview of the work and progress for the Neurodevelopmental Pathway workstream. It was noted that the SEND Revisit had taken place with the report and outcome of the visit expected in the near future.

In terms of progress Vicky Webster reported the Task and Finish Group now had a robust dashboard in place which provided a full understanding of the ASD Referrals received, number of children/young people currently on the waiting list and information for accepted, rejected and discharged referrals across all the areas within central Lancashire.

The Board were provided with an outline of the next steps for the Task and Finish Group and noted this included further work on the referral process to provide a better understanding around rejected referrals, and to address the waiting list for ASD diagnostic assessments working towards the commissioning of this as a separate pathway.

In terms of challenges for the group the following were identified;

• Requirement of ongoing administrative support for the group

• A more comprehensive understanding of the impact of waits in terms of other assessments that result in delays for ASD diagnostic assessments

• Agreement around the relevance in terms of the arbitrary age split


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by P Garstang Senior Lead

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