Meeting Date 20th January 2022


Key Decisions and Actions

Workstream updates Attendance issues were raised, and it was agreed that this would be addressed outside of the meeting to ensure continuity and enable business to be progressed.

Acute Paediatric Review

Due to not having Acute Paediatric Review workstream colleagues in attendance, the item was deferred to the next meeting on 17th February 2022.

Neurodevelopmental Pathway

The Central Lancashire Partnership now had a more robust data dashboard in place providing both incoming referrals and assessments for Autism. The dashboard was now in a stronger position in capturing the ASD diagnosis assessment waiting list, however further work would be required in clarifying the roles and responsibilities for the main service providers.

Members were advised that there were still concerns around resource for the pathway across the core services, in particular speech and language, CAMHS, community paediatrics and Neurodevelopmental. A clear plan articulating the resource required to resolve issues and challenges within the Neurodevelopmental pathway would be developed to address this.

A significant increase in children and young people’s mental health had been reported, attributed to the effect of the pandemic alongside limited resource available to support the issues of psychological wellbeing in children and young people.


It was agreed that an updated dashboard would be presented to future CYPM board meetings. Board members were reminded that Lancashire had commissioned an early intervention service ‘Emotional and health wellbeing’.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by G Skailes Senior Responsible Officer

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