Meeting Children’s, Young People and Maternity Services System Delivery Board

Meeting Date 19 August 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

Workstream updates

The Board heard the Neurodevelopmental Task and Finish Group continued to meet regularly and that the key area of focus for September was the impending SEND Revisit and partners were now consistently approaching measuring an Autism Spectrum Disorder waiting list for their respective organisations across each locality. Members were encouraged to hear that central Lancashire was now able to provide a definitive number, which in turn would feed into the Lancashire response.

John Agbenu advised Members that despite ongoing discussions the NDP Task and Finish Group were still unable to reach a mutual agreement for the arbitrary age split between Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust; it was noted that Paula Garstang, Senior Lead for this Board would attend a future meeting of the NDP Task and Finish Group to try to get a clear understanding of what the barriers were in terms of the ability to finalise a definitive age split and an update from this meeting would be provided at the September meeting of the CYPM SDB.

An update was provided by Paula Garstang in terms of progress for the Acute Paediatric Review; she reported that a project group had been established with representatives from Central Lancashire CCGs, Primary Care and Acute and the group had agreed the first area of focus within this workstream would be around the Emergency Department (ED) in terms of the ED Pathways.

The Transition Services update was presented by Jo Connolly who advised the Board that due to workload commitments Christian De Goede had now stood down as lead for this workstream. The Board heard that A Brotherton, Director of Continuous Improvement for LTHTR had agreed to co-chair the ‘Big Room’ project for this service with one of the first tasks focussed around the Community Neurodevelopmental Teams.

Performance Dashboard

The Board were presented with a comprehensive overview of dashboard and welcomed the progress in terms of each of the priority areas.

Deep Dive Presentation – Maternity Services and Neonates

The Board welcomed Janet Cotton, the Divisional Midwifery and Nursing Director for LTHTR who presented an overview of the key projects of work for Maternity Services. Members were provided with updates around the Continuity of Care project and the implementation of the ICS digital project Badgernet Maternity, a system which would in time allow all service users in the North West, 24/7 access to their maternity records.

Jo Connolly presented a brief update in terms of Neonates; She reported work was underway in collaboration with the national lead nurse for bereavement to improve palliative care, and advised there was now a dedicated counsellor in post to provide improved psychological support for parents and staff.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by G Skailes Senior Responsible Officer and Chair

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