Meeting: Children’s, Young People and Maternity Services System Delivery Board

Meeting Date: 18th February 2021


Key Decisions and Actions:

ICP Priority Setting Process

The Board were presented with an overview of the ICP Priority Setting Process for each of the ICP System Delivery Boards. The Board heard how the Clinical and Professional Forum would set the priorities for the CYPM SDB and the input Board members would have into these priorities as subject matter experts.

Following discussions the Board agreed that the proposals along with associated project documentation would form the main focus for the March meeting of the Children’s, Young People and Maternity Services System Delivery Board in preparation for the presentation of the endorsed proposals to the Clinical and Professional Forum on the 25th March, and would include the following identified three proposed priority areas;

  •  Neurodevelopmental Pathway to include Speech and Language Therapy issues
  • Acute Paediatric Review to include Feeding Services
  • CAMHS element and Children’s Palliative Care - Transition Services


Matters for Escalation (and where to): N/A

Completed and Signed off by G Skailes

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