Meeting Date 16 September 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

Workstream updates

The Board heard that Zoe Richards, ICS Senior Programme Manager for SEND had attend the 10 September meeting of the Neurodevelopmental Pathway (NDP) Task and Finish Group to provide an update around the upcoming SEND Inspection. It was expected the Inspectors would look favourably upon the progress that had made against the areas for improvement.

Steve Flynn reported that following a joint effort between LTHTR and LSCFT there was now a joint ASD dashboard in place that reflected the central Lancashire ASD position. He highlighted the progress the group had made in terms of the data now being captured and acknowledged this had been challenging at times, but a robust dashboard was now in place which provided a good overview of the pressure areas within services and across the system. The Board heard that following difficulties reaching agreement of the age cohort split for ASD patients between LSCFT and LTHTR this agreement had been an interim measure and was no longer needed due to the new data reporting process.

Primary and Secondary Care referrals – audit update

Members learned that the audit into primary and secondary care referrals had begun to explore the pattern of referrals to paediatric outpatient clinic and identify any possible themes in terms of conditions that may be presenting more frequently. Dr Sathiya Kandasamy reported there were plans to undertake a more indepth deep dive into this area and the results of this would be shared at the December meeting. The Board were pleased to acknowledge there had been no breaches in the Advice and Guidance (A & G) service over the last two months and that good two-way communication had been established between primary and secondary colleagues.

Performance Dashboard

Further to the last meeting it was noted good progress had been made in terms of metrics for each of the workstreams, Glenn Mather advised there was still the need for further discussions due to some complexities with the ND Pathway and Transition workstreams but was positive this would be resolved in time for the October update.

Deep-Dive Presentation – Acute Paediatric Review

The Board were presented with a comprehensive overview of the work underway within the Acute Paediatric workstream. Laura Duckworth advised this was a collaborative project working with primary care colleagues with the aim of reducing the reliance on hospital based admissions. The project group had identified the short-term key areas of focus with a number of next steps planned to progress work on these areas;

o Reducing Emergency Department (ED) attendance and admissions

o Reducing Outpatient wait times and Did Not Attends (DNAs)

o Improving support in Emergency and the Paediatric Acute Unit through additional resource

Wider ICS Priorities

Members were advised that the leadership team would like future meetings to reflect the wider work system wide partners were involved in at ICS level to ensure the Board were sighted of the different projects underway across central Lancashire. It was noted this would help to progress projects and unblock any barriers to delivery; this would include regular updates on how predicted increases in respiratory infections (RSV surge) may affect the system.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by V Webster Clinical Lead

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