Meeting Date 16 December 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

Workstream updates

It was noted that due to current system pressures and ongoing resource issues there had been no further progress with the Acute Paediatric Review workstream. Members heard the team were involved in other projects that were affecting Acute Paediatrics across the ICS and noted the specialist community nursing review had been completed and were awaiting a decision on how this would be financed moving forwards.

Steve Flynn advised the Neurodevelopmental Pathway Task and Finish Group had been redesigned to coincide with the recently reinstated ICS Neurodevelopmental Pathway Steering Group. He noted there were existing pressures on services such as re-prioritising patients and families that were presenting in crisis and in terms of next steps the long term aim was to standardise the central Lancashire pathways with a view to developing a commissioned service.

In terms of the Transition Services workstream Jo Connolly reported that The Big Room was to be launched on 17 December 2021 and looked forward to presenting progress updates in the future. She further advised Kevin McGee the Chief Executive, LTHTR, had reinforced his support for this workstream.

The Board members were presented with a comprehensive overview of the LSC position in relation to health inequalities, presentations to ED, calls to 111 and referrals to secondary care. This included an overview of actions and discussions that came from the last board meeting. Board members received a copy of the slides via email on 23rd December 2021. Following the presentation it was highlighted an additional meeting was required in order to understand the challenges faced in Secondary Care. This will allow focussed work to take place and help members to work in partnership across primary and secondary care.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by V Webster Clinical Lead

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