Meeting: Children’s, Young People and Maternity Services System Delivery Board

Meeting Date: 15th April 2021


Key Decisions and Actions:

The April meeting of the Children’s, Young People and Maternity Services System Delivery Board included discussions and updates around the following topics;

Performance Dashboard

The Board were presented with a set of proposed metrics in order to monitor the impact and effectiveness of the priority area workstreams. Following presentations by each of the project leads it was was agreed to circulate the proposed metrics for any additional amends and comments to assist with further development of the CYPM SDB Performance Dashboard. An update will be presented at the May meeting.

Workstream updates

The Board agreed the May meeting would feature a deep dive session of the Neurodevelopmental Pathway to highlight the progress of the sub group and provide an opportunity to raise any challenges the workstream may be faced with.

The members were informed that the ICS SEND Programme Manager had been invited to join the May meeting to present the importance of the SEND Programme to providers.

Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A 

Completed and Signed off by G Skaile

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