Meeting Date 11 May 2022



Key decisions and actions

Update from Oversight Group

Updates were provided around progress of the community bed modelling plan; development of the virtual ward service and winter scheme evaluation.

The Board noted the challenges for the system once the interim bed provision ended in June and concerns regarding the bed deficit. It was agreed that consideration was needed around what services were required within the system moving forward and areas where there was the potential for disinvestment and reinvestment.

The governance of the SDBs was discussed and it was agreed that clarity was needed around the interdependencies and responsibilities of each SDB and where the ODU sat to ensure there was no duplication. It was further agreed that the governance around reporting for the 2 hour crisis support and virtual ward should be reviewed with a view to bringing the reporting together.

Priorities 2022/23 Next Steps

It was agreed that the priorities agreed last year would be retained with clarity to be provided around the workstreams under each and where the high impact actions and ODU priorities would sit. The importance of developing a clinically focussed UEC strategy was agreed.


The latest data was presented which showed a mixed but challenged position across most metrics. The benchmarked position against other Trusts in the North West showed little change, type 1 performance had dropped to 29 out of 37. It was suggested that not meeting criteria to reside numbers were included in the data as that metric contributed to a number of the pressures. The Board acknowledged the patient experience aspects around the 12 hour waits, noting that the figures represented 25% of patients waiting in ED longer than 12 hours. A deep dive exercise into waiting times would be undertaking including length of time waiting, outcomes from waits, and number of re-attendances.

Bank Holiday Planning

The Board was pleased to note that planning for the June bank holiday period had commenced and that a number of MADE events would be held and that potential opportunities for areas for disinvestment and reinvestment would be noted as part of the events.

Concern regarding the closure of the Nightingale unit were noted, an exit strategy would be discussed as part of bank holiday planning discussions and would be a forma agenda item for the next meeting.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Chris Oliver Senior Responsible Officer

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