Meeting Date 15 November 2021


Key decisions and actions

Performance Update

Damian Nelson, Performance Lead for Central Lancashire CCGs presented an overview of the performance update, he reported 52 and 104 week waits were on the increase due to issues within some specialties, the MSK service was improving due to an increase in capacity and the recruitment of an MSK Clinical Specialist to support this service and that Trauma and Orthopaedics and Ophthalmology were both on target to meet last February’s performance by the end of the year.

Elective Care Recovery Group

The Board heard the main area of focus for the group was the development of a coordinated response for the system to H2 and noted the update for the H2 position which would feed into the overall financial plan outlining how the finances would be managed across the system was due to be finalised. G Doherty advised the Elective Care Recovery Group continued to monitor areas of the developmental work such as the High Velocity Low Complex programme underway across the system.

Winter Plan Schemes

G Doherty provided a brief update around the Winter Plan. He reported the plan had been approved and was monitored via the Urgent and Emergency Care System Delivery Board. He advised one of the biggest risks to the Winter Plan was around workforce and in particular recruitment over all areas including social care.

Service/System Development updates

S Flynn presented a brief overview of the key areas in terms of system development which included updates around the new Buckshaw Hospital, the proposed new Ophthalmology Department at Chorley Hospital, due to go live in December and the Community Diagnostic Centres.

Transformation Priority Programme – Referral Demand Management Systems

The Board were presented with an overview around Clinical Triage Opportunities. S Flynn advised demand and referral management was a key priority for this system delivery board and highlighted the importance of maximising pathways to make them as effective and efficient as possible with highquality referrals. Members heard the aim of this opportunity was to consolidate the existing referral pathway and the different elements into one function which would also include Advice and Guidance.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by D Gizzi Senior Responsible Officer

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