Meeting date 9 December 2021


Key actions and decisions

Place Based Partnership update

The Board was pleased to note the progress against actions in the development plan and acknowledged those actions that would be co-ordinated on an ICS basis.

Improving Outcomes Project

A detailed outline of the project was provided including the rationale, the process undertaken, aims and ambitions and outputs.  The Board noted that the feedback from the workshops based on the experiential knowledge of the front line health and social care practitioners involved had been benchmarked against research and evidence from a systematic review undertaken by the King’s Fund around integration.   A number of recommendations were proposed including scoping the work in more detail and development of an implementation plan.   The Board welcomed Donna Duffy, one of the community practitioners involved in the project, who gave an account of her experience of being involved in the project and what this meant for her and her experience of integration.  The importance of continuing this work was noted however, caution was raised regarding the use of language in terms of place, Lancashire was made up of many different places and there was a need to be cognisant of how residents think about where they live.  There was significant work to do in terms of building capacity in primary care and this should be noted in terms of the work suggested in the report.  The Board agreed that it would be useful to link all the work programmes related to the new model for the system and neighbourhood working and it was suggested the Senior Leadership Team discuss potential options for where the place based partnership could be based. 

Action/Decision:  The Board endorsed the recommendations subject to the caveats discussed.

VCSE Project Update

An overview of the project was provided and the Board noted the proposed actions, risks and recommendations.  The Board was pleased to welcome VCSE members who each provided an account of their involvement in the project and their support for the programme, noting the opportunities to build relationships and work together.  The importance of VCSE sector involvement in the partnership was highlighted and it was suggested this work was broader than central Lancashire and that the aim should be to replicate the programme across the ICS with central Lancashire as the exemplar model.

Action/Decision:  The Board supported the recommendations and financial commitments subject to further consideration around how to work this through collectively.

Digital Priorities

An update around the work of the  central Lancashire Partnership Digital Group was provided and the Board was pleased to note the development of a prioritisation matrix and the work to develop common share systems across the ICS and how this could support cross organisational working and information flows.

ICS Board Update

An update around CCG transition was provided, the Board noted there was a detailed programme plan based on the due diligence guidance published in the summer and central Lancashire was being used as an example for other systems in terms of governance and programme plans.  In terms of the quality structure, the emphasis was that the majority of resources should be at place.  A risk assessment was being developed to address any delays to the legislation.  The importance of being ready at place for the changes was noted and the Board asked for this to be relayed back to the ICS.  The Board particularly noted the pressure and anxiety faced by CCG staff and the importance of supporting staff during this transitional period.

Finance update

An update was provided around the financial planning arrangements for 2021-2022 H2 noting the risks and the mitigations to deliver against the risk.   The importance of understanding what the impacts of the savings were and effects on service delivery was highlighted and it was agreed that further clarification would be provided.

The Independent Chair raised the Marmot Review and was pleased to note that central Lancashire presented a positive perspective and provided a well thought out response.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Marie Burnham, Central Lancashire Partnership Independent Chair

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