Mental health services map

Health organisations in Lancashire and South Cumbria have worked together to develop this interactive map of mental health services.

The Google Maps based system lists all the organisations working locally, and allows you to search for your closest service or for specific types of support, to help you get appropriate care.

How to use the map:

On the map, there are 9 different categories relating to mental health needs/support which are displayed on the left of the map. Each type of service is colour coded with markers.

Using the map legend on the left, you can click on a particular area (for example - Hyndburn, or Blackpool) and it will direct you to what services are available in that area. You can then click on a marker and it should display contact information for that service on the left hand side (such as phone contact, website or email details). Please click on the '12 more' to extend the list of areas in Lancashire and South Cumbria. You can also search for a particular service by clicking the search bar at the top.

If you would like to filter by one or more categories only, then you can 'un-tick' any services on the map legend so it only shows the service you want to access. Please be aware that some markers may overlap another.

To access the map legend please click on the button shown in this image


If you would like to filter by one or more categories only, then you can 'un-tick' any services on the map legend so it only shows the service you want to access. Please be aware that some markers may overlap another.

Share your feedback:

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure listings are accurate, the NHS cannot take any liability for errors. If you notice any errors or omissions, please contact us.


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